Fixed Wireless Internet Service Provider.
Service providers are facing challenging issues today. Telco’s are battling fixed-to-mobile substitution and service providers around the globe are looking for ways stimulate faster broadband adoption, reduce churn and offer bundled voice, Internet, TV and multimedia services that simplify life for consumers. Meanwhile consumers are demanding better, easier-to-use solutions. Desire for mobile access to email on-the-go is growing, while small businesses and consumers want to be able to share rich multimedia content — music, photos and multimedia messages through email on any device.
kwikzo has designed and implemented last mile solutions for leading services provider , and its expertise in network engineering, along with its partnership with leading hardware and software vendors, make it the right choice for designing and deploying the services.
Our wireless broadband system and FSO are designed to help Carriers; ISP and cable operators add capacity, increase revenues and grow their businesses faster and more cost-effectively. The point-to-multipoint system offers speeds from 2 mbps to 14 Mbps (aggregate data rates) and the point-point system delivers from 2 Mbps to 2.5Gbps data rates to your users now.